Thursday, January 24, 2008

The Breast-Thyroid Connection

In last month's post, I discussed the connection between environmental pollution and women's health issues.  I'd like to pick up that thread and elaborate more specifically on an extremely widespread problem among women today: thyroid dysfunction. 

The thyroid is a small gland located in the front of the neck, just above the notch in the collarbone. It is part of the endocrine system of glands including pituitary, pineal, hypothalamus, pancreas, adrenals and ovaries ( testicles in men). The thyroid is responsible for our metabolism.  It regulates our ability to maintain a warm body temperature and to convert the food we eat into energy, among other things. This is why the classic symptoms of low thyroid function, or hypothyroid, are: feeling cold, especially hands and feet, weight gain and fatigue. Other symptoms are dry skin,  dry and thinning hair (including eyebrow hair),  constipation, irritability, depression, low libido, muscle cramps and aches, memory loss and abnormal menstrual cycles. To learn more about the endocrine system go to

The endocrine system regulates biochemical balance. When we feel healthy and well, our lives are in balance. When we are stressed and don't feel "like ourselves", it is an indication that we are, in some way, out of balance.  The endocrine system affects not only physical functioning, but our moods, emotions, sleep patterns, energy levels and outlook on life.  Most of the diseases that plague women involve an endocrine imbalance.

On a planetary level, we have reached levels of global pollution that are now inescapable. The delicate endocrine system is the canary in the coal mine, and it's diseases are the first ominous widespread sign of systemic physiologic failure in humans and other species. The chemicals destroying our planet are also destroying our bodies, and it is evident in the massive statistical increases in endocrine disorders, such as diabetes, infertility,  breast and prostate cancers, dysfunctional thyroid and estrogen dominance syndrome.

Curiously enough, the thyroid and breasts are derived from the same embryonic tissue.   Remember, the breasts are MILK GLANDS, and so are intricately linked with the rest of the endocrine system of glands and hormones.  In my own practice, I have seen a very strong correlation between women with thyroid problems and women with breast problems.  Usually this manifests as low thyroid function and fibrocystic lumps. However, women with thyroid problems are statistically at higher risk for breast cancer as well.

If any one component of the endocrine system becomes damaged or dysfunctional, the whole system suffers as it tries to compensate. Have you ever stubbed or injured a toe on your foot? Just one painful toe out of all ten, makes it hard to walk and can throw you off balance.  
More often than not, excess estrogen or ESTROGEN DOMINANCE is the "stubbed toe" in the dysfunctional endocrine scenario.  Estrogen Dominance can contribute to thyroid problems, suppressing the normal production of thyroid hormones.  It also creates insulin resistance leading to diabetes, and PMS and menopause symptoms as well as a host of other problems.

Excess estrogen also puts us at high risk for breast cancer. Each hormone acts as a chemical messenger to the cells in our body. And the message of estrogen is "GROW".  In order for the message to be delivered, the cell must have a receptor, like a special doorway that only this hormone can fit through. Breast and reproductive tissues are loaded with estrogen receptors. Bones have a lot of them too, which is why estrogen helps prevent osteoporosis. It tells bones to "grow". But if there is an abnormal grouping of cells, such as a fibroid or a tumor, excess estrogen will make them, GROW too.  Estrogen dominance is always to be suspected in the presentation of fibroids and breast cancer, as well as with low thyroid function.

There is something else that breasts and thyroid have in common: IODINE.  They need it. More specifically the thyroid needs Iodine and the breasts need Iodide.  Iodine is converted by the thyroid into T3 and T4, the thyroid hormones. The breasts hoard Iodide for nourishment of nursing infants, in order to give them this essential nutrient.  Both the breasts and the thyroid are covered with iodine receptor sites.  These sites will also allow other members of the iodine family to enter into the cell as well. The problem is that the other members of the family are bullies. They are called "Halides" and in addition to Iodine include chlorine, flouride and bromine. These toxic Halides can push Iodine off  receptor sites and gain access to our delicate DNA, damaging and mutating it.

As I mentioned in the last post, these toxic Halides fall into a larger category of dangerous chemicals known as "Organochlorines". These common and widespread poisons surround us and include chemical household cleaning products, herbicides and pesticides commonly sprayed on our fruits and vegetables as well as deadly dioxins which leach out of plastic water bottles, PVC and other common plastic products.

Many of these organochlorines have a molecular structure so similar to estrogen, that they act as "Xeno-Estrogens" or "fake estrogens" that can fit onto estrogen receptor sites (and guess what, MEN HAVE THEM TOO). This contributes to, you guessed it, Estrogen Dominance and then, low thyroid function (as well as breast and prostate cancers).

Several other things can contribute to low thyroid function. One is heavy metal toxicity. In particular Mercury and Cadmium. If you have any old silver fillings in your mouth, this may be a contributing factor for mercury toxicity.  Seafood, particulary larger fish like tuna, swordfish, and tilefish are all high in mercury. Cigarettes are a primary source for cadmium poisoning.
Mineral deficiency and excess can also contribute to thyroid problems.  Selenium is essential for proper thyroid function, as is zinc.  Cadmium toxicity depletes Selenium and Excess copper cancels out zinc.

Protein is also essential for a well functioning thyroid.  Adequate protein at regular intervals is a must. In addition, the proper balance of amino acids, the building blocks of protein, must be achieved. Tyrosine is an amino acid responsible for proper thyroid function.  Tyrosine deficiency can aggravate and contribute to poor thyroid function. 

Dieting can have a devastating effect on thyroid. It signals the body that food is scarce and the body goes into "starvation survival mode", triggering the thyroid to "turn down the burners" of our metabolism even more.  Speaking of food, there are a number of "goitrogenic" foods you must also reduce or avoid exposure to. These foods have a suppressing effect on thyroid and can contribute to enlargement of the thyroid, or goiter.  

The last item is synthetic hormone use of any kind. HRT (hormone replacement therapy) and birth control pills which use synthetic estrogens and progestins (different from natural progesterone) are hormone disruptors. They try to force the endocrine system into doing things which are unnatural and harmful in the long run. They may provide a quick and "easy" fix for some women, but you will pay a price in the long run. For most women, they just make you feel worse and you will STILL pay the price in the long for using them.  What is the price? Well, women who use synthetic hormones run a much higher risk for blood clots, stroke, heart attack, breast cancer and death.  There is a better way!!!

So, to summarize the problem, we have 
1. Exposure to Halides, Organochlorines and other chemicals causing endocrine disruption.
2. Estrogen Dominance as a result of endocrine disruption, further lowering thyroid function.
3. Inadequate amounts of Iodine, Selenium and Zinc.
4. Heavy metal poisoning from Mercury and Cadmium.
5. Food-source goitrogens, Yo-yo dieting and insufficient protein creating self-induced hypothyroid activity.
6. Concurrent endocrine imbalances, such as adrenal fatigue and metabolic syndrome.
7. Synthetic HRT and birth control use further exacerbating hormone disruption.

Now, for the good news, THE SOLUTIONS!!!
Okay, lets take it a step at a time.

1. REDUCE ALL CHEMICAL EXPOSURES!  We cannot avoid all exposures, but we can significantly reduce them. Here's how:

a. Avoid all products containing Chlorine, Flouride, Bromine, pesticides, herbicides, noxious fumes such as gasoline, nail polish and remover, paints and new carpets.  Avoid drinking water or food which has been stored or heated in plastic bottles, decant filtered water (free form chlorine and flouride) into glass or stainless steel bottles (avoid aluminum.)  use non-flouridated toothpaste.  Avoid chlorinated pools and spas, bleached chlorine paper products, especially tampons and toilet paper. Use unbleached flour and avoid commercial bakery   products that contain brominated flour.  Use natural "green" household and body products. Eat only organically raised and preferably local produce, meats, eggs and dairy. Never, ever microwave in plastic. Better still, don't microwave at all. Do not leave plastic water bottles in a warm car.  Don't support companies whose products are destroying the earth and your health!

2. Try using a natural (no paraben preservatives please!) PROGESTERONE CREAM. It should have about 18-20 mg progesterone in a 1/4 teaspoon dose, or be 2%, the highest dose available without a prescription. Make sure it has been laboratory processed into natural, bio-identical progesterone cream. "Wild Yam" cream alone won't cut it. Also there is a HUGE difference between natural bio-identical progesterone and synthetic progestins. The first heals and the second harms. This can help correct Estrogen Dominance symptoms and bring relief for a long list of problems including PMS and menopausal symptoms, Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome and thyroid disorders. Also Indol-3-Carbinol with DIM and Calcium-D-Glucarate are 2 supplements that can help to control and correct excess estrogen in our systems.  I carry them in the clinic, you can call to order or pick them up in any health food store.

3. Begin taking supplemental Iodine, Selenium and Zinc or include foods in your diet that contain these elements naturally.  
a. For Iodine, I recommend eating more SEAWEED and taking a seaweed supplement.  Vickery's Sea Plant Minerals ( is a wonderful inexpensive supplement that offers 12.0 mg in just 3 capsules per day.  The US RDA for iodine is a paltry 125 micrograms, not enough for optimal thyroid functioning and breast health. There are mountains of evidence linking iodine therapy to improving thyroid function and shrinking breast fibroids and tumors.  Avoid RADIO ACTIVE IODINE (duh!). This is used to treat certain thyroid conditions and should be your "last resort".
b. Garlic and Brazil Nuts are very high in natural selenium, also an anti-cancer mineral. Just 2 Brazil Nuts per day will give you about 400 mcg (micrograms), a good dose.
c. Zinc, about 25mg daily. It may be best to take a supplement. It is found naturally in oysters, poultry and red meat in highest concentrations, but these foods are often contaminated. It is also found in beans, nuts and grains, but the phytates in these foods decrease absorption.

4. For heavy metal poisoning, first look for the sources. Have old silver fillings carefully removed from your mouth and replaced with bio-compatible amalgams. Avoid all seafood.  You must stop smoking cigarettes! Do not cook with aluminum utensils.  Commercial chickens are high in arsenic.  Begin to learn the sources of heavy metal poisoning in your daily life! 
 Then, a program of detoxification must be undertaken. This is commonly referred to as "chelation therapy".  It should be done with professional support. A few gentle things you can do on your own include modified citrus pectin, chlorella and other green drinks and powders, zeolite, and raw food diets. Seaweed also helps chelate heavy metals.

5. Consume small frequent meals that are high in protiens, healthy oils (coconut oil seems to be particularly nourishing for the thyroid) and veggies. Avoid starchy carbs and sugary sweets. Mung Bean sprouts are high in Tyrosine, or consider an amino acid supplement with tyrosine. AVOID THESE FOODS: Soy is the worst. But also Cruciferous veggies (such as broccoli, cauliflower, turnips, Brussels Sprouts), spinach, walnuts, peanuts, pine nuts, millet, canola oil,  and tapioca. Also, Chocolate is often in high in copper (cancels out the needed zinc) and may have cadmium and lead contamination, and if not organic, has most probably been sprayed with Lindane, an extremely toxic chemical.  You may, sadly, wish to consider limiting your chocolate consumption.

6. Adequate rest and a reduction in your stress level will help restore adrenal functioning. Adaptogenic herbs such as Ashwaganda, Rhodiola and Astragalus, help to nourish and tonify the endocrine system.  Eliminating sugar and increasing your daily exercise level will help to resolve metabolic syndrome. A combination of vigorous aerobic and gentle stretching, such as yoga seems best. The yoga position called shoulder stand is known to be very healing to the thyroid.

7. Stop taking synthetic hormones.  If you are on HRT, consider bio-identical hormones.  If you are using birth control pills, the first thing you need to do is to develop fertility awareness and begin to track your cycles. When you first get off the pill, this can be difficult, because you haven't been having natural cycles. Eventually your body will find it's natural way. Consider using a progesterone cream to help balance your cycles.  There are only a few days each month when we can become pregnant.  The more aware you become of when you ovulate, the easier it becomes to use more natural methods of birth control. 

Also, I want to mention that I have focused on HYPO or LOW thyroid in this article, because this is the most common thyroid problem. But, HYPER or excess thyroid is also a very serious problem, as are Graves Disease and Hashimoto's Disease, which are auto-immune illnesses of the thyroid. What is a good thing for an underactive thyroid, such as Iodine, may not be so good for these other problems. So, use common sense and get expert medical assistance to help you in getting a solid diagnosis for your particular symptoms.

The last thing I want to mention concerns thyroid testing.  Often a woman who presents with the signs and symptoms of a thyroid problem gets a blood test and is told her levels are "normal". Well, when it comes to hormones, what is "normal" for one person may be totally abnormal for another.  I believe health care providers should treat the person...not the numbers!  If you are concerned that you may have a thyroid problem and have run into a brick wall with your doctors, consider having a set thermographic images taken of your thyroid.  I am now offering thyroid thermography to help you assess and monitor your thyroid functioning, regardless of what "the numbers" say. 
 Please call me at (805) 653-1393 for details.
And check out the links below for more information on thyroid health!   (hypothyroidism.html)  (in the search window type in "thyroid articles") 
 (go to the "health concerns" section, click on the letter "T" then scroll down to "thyroid")  (a site explaining the connection between thyroid, adrenal and ovary imbalances. I suggest reading the related book, Feeling Fat, etc, below)


"Iodine: Why you Need it, Why you can't live without it" David Brownstein, MD

"Feeling Fat, Fuzzy or Frazzled?" by Richard Shames, MD

"Breast Cancer and Iodine" by David Derry, MD, PhD